Immutable Contribution Vault

Why this?

  1. Transparency: The Virtuals Protocol places a strong emphasis on transparency, which is fundamental to its operations. This commitment ensures that all aspects of AI development, from the initial data to the evolving code, are openly accessible for review. By utilizing a public blockchain, the Virtuals Protocol guarantees that the entire development process is transparent and accountable. This level of openness is crucial for preventing misuse and maintaining the integrity of the system, as it allows for the tracking and verification of every output produced by the AI.

  2. Composability: In addition to transparency, the Virtuals Protocol is dedicated to fostering innovation through the principle of composability. This approach encourages a collaborative environment where developers and creators can build upon and enhance the work done within the protocol. By allowing for these contributions to be integrated and developed further, the protocol creates opportunities for continuous innovation and creativity.

  3. Attribution: Recognizing and incentivising each contribution is a key aspect of the Virtuals Protocol. This is achieved through an on-chain registry that turns individual contributions into unique digital assets, represented as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These NFTs serve not only to acknowledge the unique value of each contribution but also to provide a precise way to measure its impact. This system ensures that rewards are fairly distributed, corresponding to the significance of each contributor's input.

Immutable Contribution Vault (ICV): A Multilayered On-Chain Repository

The ICV represents a core component of the Virtuals Protocol, functioning as a protocol-owned vault that archives all historically approved contributions of VIRTUAL agents on-chain. This smart contract wallet is not merely a storage facility; it embodies the essence of transparency and historical tracking in the Virtuals ecosystem.

Multilayered Structure of the ICV

  1. First Layer - Smart Contract Wallet Ownership (the ICV):

    • The foundational layer is a smart contract wallet, known as ICV, that asserts ownership over all subsequent layers, ensuring unified and secure management.

  2. Second Layer - Individual VIRTUAL agent as ERC-6551 NFTs:

    • Each VIRTUAL agent is minted and represented as an ERC-6551 NFT, which also serves as a unique wallet address. This dual functionality underscores the fusion of identity and transactional capability in the Virtual ecosystem.

  3. Third Layer - Core Components of VIRTUAL agents:

    • Beneath each VIRTUAL agent, five core elements are housed: cognitive, voice & visual cores. These cores will be registered in the smart contract.

  4. Fourth Layer - Service NFTs within Each Core:

    • Within each Virtual agent, approved contributions are stored in the form of service NFTs, and the relationship between these service NFTs and the Core is registered through a smart contract.

Key Functions and Benefits of the ICV

  • Real-Time and Historical Insights: The ICV elegantly presents the current state of each VIRTUAL agent and traces its historical evolution on-chain. This feature is crucial for both provenance and root cause analysis across every module within the Virtuals ecosystem.

  • Transparency and Composability: By open-sourcing the codebase models for VIRTUAL agents, the ICV fosters an environment of transparency. It facilitates composability, allowing developers and contributors to build upon and integrate with existing VIRTUAL agents seamlessly.

Last updated