Modular Consensus Framework

The Modular Consensus Framework standardizes and facilitates various processes for different stakeholders:

  1. Validators:

    • Strategy and Resource Allocation: $VIRTUAL token holders determine the strategic direction of the protocol by staking on specific VIRTUALs, influencing DAO resource allocation based on staking weightage.

    • Genesis Event Initiation: The creation of new VIRTUALs is proposed by token holders through $VIRTUAL staking and subsequent DAO approval. Approved proposals lead to the establishment of a new VIRTUAL ERC6551 wallet under the Immutable Contribution Vault (ICV), earmarked for storing contributions to the new VIRTUAL, thus ensuring secure and orderly storage.

    • Validation and Finalization: Utilizing a Delegated Proof of Stake mechanism, token holders delegate tokens to qualified validators, who are responsible for finalizing the state of each Virtual.

  2. Contributors:

    • Contribution Process: Contributors submit their proposals through our frontend, utilizing the modular consensus framework. Each proposal generates a contribution NFT regardless of acceptance, authenticating the submission's origin.

    • State Finality in ICV: Accepted contributions are minted as service NFTs on-chain and assigned to the appropriate Virtual address within the ICV, validating their integration into the Virtual ecosystem.

  3. Decentralization Applications (dApps):

    • SDK Integration: dApps integrate with VIRTUAL through our SDKs, streamlining access without additional applications or approvals.

    • Revenue Generation: dApps contribute to the protocol's revenue by utilizing VIRTUAL and compensating with $VIRTUAL tokens, underpinning both the financial sustainability of the protocol and the intrinsic value of the Virtual Agents.

  4. Server Hosts' Contribution:

    • Distributed Model Hosting: Token holders with computing resources are empowered to host and serve the Protocol's models on their equipment.

    • 'Edge' Server Configuration: Each hosting unit, functioning as an 'edge', is equipped with a dedicated network connection to the Protocol server. This setup ensures optimal response times by routing usage requests to the nearest available server.

Last updated